Maybe you remember this post where I wrote about the Google e-learning initiative « power searching with Google ».
Basically Google has set-up challenges and assignements for people who want to learn more about the tools they provide.
This advanced level was really hard sometimes but I did it!
Let me share one of the last challenge with you.
My daughter recently received an heirloom cup that has been in my family for six generations. I wanted to know more about this cup. Refer to the two images below to solve this challenge. The second image is a magnified drawing of the bottom of the cup.
And the two questions were:
- From what type of silver is the cup made?
- Who made this cup?
And as a conclusion this is a challenge I designed:
I remember that there is not far from the “côte rôtie” another protected vineyard. This one produces a vine with the same “cépage” (pretend I don’t know the english term for that) as most of the “Beaujolais” vines. I can’t remember the name of this protected area, which is not protected from a long time, something like 15 years, more or less. By the way, what is the name of the “cépage”, and what does “cépage” means? I know, there is a lot of questions!
Feel free to propose your anwser as a comment!
Oula ! J’en suis pas encore là ! 😀
Mais, si, j’en suis sur !