As a PhD Student -almost not anymore- at Paris Dauphine and Assistant Prof. at Grenoble École de Management a part of my job is to do some researchs and publish them. Another part of my job is to do some awesome and up-do-date teaching in Information Systems (IS). I need to perform one task, related to those two parts: read good research articles. In IS the top journals are (listed in alphabetical order):
- EJIS: European Journal of Information Systems
- ISR: Information Systems Research
- JMIS: Journal of Management Information Systems
- MISQ: Management Information Systems Quarterly
You can easily think how harrassing it is for me to connect to the database of research articles like EBSCO or Proquest once there is a new publication, and then read the titles, and then selecting the one I want, etc, etc. Yes, I know, I can setup alerts based on a request, like « I want articles from those journals, that are related to those keywords » and I get a message once the database finds answers – which in real life look more like: ( TI(Information Systems Research) OR TI(Management Information Systems Quarterly) OR TI(European Journal of Information systems) OR TI(Journal of Management Information Systems) ) AND ( « value cocreation » OR « value co-creation » OR « coproduction » OR « co-production » OR « prosumer » OR « customer work » ) see below for the illustration… But what I’m asking for is more, it’s a real value added service for scholars.
I’m thinking about something with a clear user interface using drag & drop journals’ name, then a simple AND / OR / NOT selection of keywords and then a simple option like from « all time » / « only from the last X years » / « only in the new volumes » and then « at release » / « once a month » / « once a semester » /. It’ll create my own and personal metajournal in pdf with some figures about the evolution of the numbers of articles related to my search, the names of researchers most cited, the names of the most prolific authors, and tons more… The perfect journal for scholars like me.
Can you imagine the time I can save ? I can also set-up this metajournal for my teaching based on journals related to education in management & IS.
So, dear reader, it’s your turn to create that service.